My Say – No. 65: What a year it’s been
24th Dec 2020
Well, what a year.
I make no apologies for the lack of newsletters; it has been a rather tumultuous time and talking sense about investing was made difficult amidst the storm of commentary.
However, it is year end and I am always motivated at this time as the core slides in my presentation will all be updated, and I can make some sensible commentary on the realities that will be forthcoming. Forty-one years of data for the Australian market and I’m excited.
I will be able to dissect the relative performances of the various asset classes whilst they were under pressure.
In addition to this, I have missed being on the road so will be looking at commencing my full day sessions again in 2021. The first one is potentially in late January in Sydney.
The environment will be Covid safe but despite that, I am acutely aware of just how fearful many people are and may be reluctant to venture out. Also, no one can predict when the next outbreak will pop up and the constraints that may then be imposed.
To ensure this event is worthwhile I would appreciate an indication from those interested in attending by clicking on the button below.
In the meantime, Happy Christmas to all and here’s to a boringly predictable 2021.
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